100% made in France

We are proud to support the Made in France label, and will always prioritise local and sustainable partnerships. 100% made in France means:

  • A commitment to quality
  • Providing jobs and supporting the local economy
  • Reducing our environmental impact
  • Ensuring adherence to labour standards, and more.

COSY Design currently employs 50 people in our production workshop in Maine-et-Loire, near Cholet. Every year, our company takes on new employees, sourced primarily from the local catchment area. We support them through an in-house training programme which is adapted to their needs.

A highly resistant and sustainable production process

Our expertise has helped us develop products which can stand up to the harshest environments (UV, temperature, humidity, etc.). From single pieces to medium-scale production runs, we work every day to provide superior quality products that will stand up to the test of time.

Our teams from COSY Design are trained in the latest upholstery techniques and the most refined finishes available to meet the needs of our clients. This ensures that our vision of industrial excellence is shared by all of our employees.

Better quality of life in the workplace

We are a fully recognised partner to some of the biggest luxury brands on the planet. Within the HOFICA Group, the well-being of our employees is just as important as client satisfaction.

We are committed to providing the resources needed to preserve our health and our safety, while improving the quality of life in the workplace.

From improved workstation design and stretching to first aid, the use of a fire extinguisher, exoskeletons, and ergonomic materials; a range of risk-prevention measures has been rolled out in our workshops. These receive the full support of the HSE Director and the Group’s senior management team.